How to elevate your bathroom space

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Whether you’re after a full bathroom overhaul, or a few small tweaks to make it feel more ‘you’, we’ve got all the know how you need right here!

Giving your bathroom a new lease of life doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend a fortune. By following some of our designer’s top tips below, you can completely transform the look and feel of the space, making it feel instantly more luxurious.

RELATED: 5 Tips To Refresh Your Home


1. Upgrade one statement piece

If you’re not in the market for a complete bathroom renovation, opting to update just one key piece, such as a bath, sink or even your taps, can make the world of difference.

A unique sink basin creates a beautiful focal point and will ensure your bathroom has that instant ‘wow’ factor.

What’s more is your pipes and water points are already in place, so it shouldn’t be too costly or timely to replace – what a win!

2. Use large mirrors to create the feeling of a bigger space

This is a tactic that can be applied to any room in your home. Adding mirrors to smaller rooms will instantly help to bounce light around the space and create the optical illusion of an exaggerated space.

As bathrooms are usually the smallest rooms in our home, this can be extremely effective. Opt for one that suits the style and shape of your bathroom, as well as matching any existing décor that you plan on keeping.


3. Experiment with paint

Arguably one of the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective ways to give your bathroom a refresh is with a new lick of paint. Think about how you want the bathroom to make you feel when you use it to help you decide on a colour palette.

For bathrooms with a tub, you’re more likely to spend time relaxing here, so opting for dark blues and sea greens will help to create an atmospheric, spa-like experience.

For bathrooms such as en-suites where you might spend more time getting ready in the morning, lighter hues such as sage green, soft pink or warm neutrals will provide the perfect environment for this.

If you’re feeling brave, colour blocking is a great technique to make your bathroom stand out from the crowd!

4. Light it up

Much like a new wall colour can instantly lift your space, so too can some stylish new lighting.

Adding some wall lights to either side of your bathroom mirror will add more grandeur to the space, particularly in hues such as brass or gold. While matt black offers a much more minimalistic and modern touch.

If you also have a pendant light in the space, be sure to match this to your wall lights for a cohesive look.


5. Refresh your tiles

For those of you looking to splurge a little more, updating your floor and/or wall tiles is perfect.

If you are looking for a real statement, patterned tiles are a great option for your flooring, which you can either carry up onto the walls half-height, or pair with a more subtle tile on the wall to let the floor do the talking.

When trying to tie together two different tiles, a good starting point is to choose one of the accent shades from your more statement tile as the base colour for your second tile choice. This will keep your bathroom looking cohesive and considered.

6. Shutters or blinds?

A lot of us tend to neglect our window dressings.

They can be a little more expensive and, let’s face it, aren’t that fun to spend money on.

However, they are a key piece in any design to help create your desired atmosphere and pull your room together.

Shutters and blinds are a great way to make a bathroom feel fresher and more private – again, adding to that feeling of luxury.

Hot tub

7. Add some life!

As well as their added pop of colour, houseplants also have great zen-enhancing properties that will help create that sense of calmness that we all crave from our homes.

Whatever the size of your bathroom, there’s always room for a few plants. Hanging plants are perfect for rooms that are short on floor space, while small succelents or trailing plants make the perfect finishing touch for a windowsill or shelf

Of course, if you have more space to play with, larger floor plants – either on their own or in a group – are a fantastic focal point.

8. Update your towels

Now, hear us out on this one…

You might be wondering how on earth some new tiles can update your bathroom, but you’d be surprised!

Towels are pretty affordable – and easy to replace. This means you can afford to go a little bit bolder with your design or colour choice here.

Perhaps there’s a certain colour or print that you love but don’t love it enough to have it across a full room. Here’s where your tiles can come in!

Then simply display them on a towel rail or on a small stool.

9. The final touches (our favourite!)

The small touches are often what pulls a design or scheme together. In a bathroom this can be anything from your wall art all the way down to your toothbrush holder!

Opting for cohesive accessories in the same materials and colours can really elevate the space – even on a budget.

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